Connect Network Printer via WMI
Very simple example, this can be run from any powershell ci:
([wmiclass]"Win32_Printer").AddPrinterConnection("\\\ ")
ex: <server> = printsrv01, <port> = R1414
The specific path should be fairly obvious if you browse to the printer server hosting the printer in question, it should show up as a device and you can just concatenate that onto the end and pipe it to WMI, simple.
XenServer: Add/Remove Network Interface.
- xe vm-list
- Copy the uuid for the VM you want to remove the interface.
- xe vif-list vm-uuid=<vm-uuid>
- Copy the uuid for the vif you want to destroy.
- xe vif-destroy uuid=<vif-uuid>
- xe list-network (you can add "name-label=<label>" if you know the networks name, in my case Bond 0+1)
- Copy the networks uuid.
- xe vif-create network-uuid=<network-uuid> vm-uuid=<vm-uuid> device=#
See above for how to find the VM's uuid, for device replace # with the device number, you can find a list of supported VIF devices by typing "xe vm-param-list uuid=<vm-uuid> | more" and looking for allowed-VIF-devices, if theres no interface currently on the VM you will most likely use 0.
As for why you would want to do all of this...well, sometimes you either don't have access to XenCenter, or it decides it doesn't want to play, it's always a good idea to bring your own ball.