Citrix, Code, PowerShell Paul Fulbright Citrix, Code, PowerShell Paul Fulbright

Citrix: Presentation Server 4.5, list applications and groups.

Quick script to connect to a 4.5 farm and pull a list of applications and associate them to the groups that control access to them. You will need to do a few things before this works:

Download the 4.5 SDK

If you are running this remotely you need to be in the "Distributed COM Users" group (Server 2k3) and will need to setup DCOM for impersonation (you can do this by running "Component Services" drilling down to the "local computer", right click and choose properties, clicking General properties and the third option should be set to Impersonate).

Finally you will need View rights to the Farm. If you are doing this remotely there is a VERY strong chance of failure is the account you are LOGGED IN AS is not a "View Only" or higher admin in Citrix. RunAs seems to be incredibly hit or miss, mostly miss.

$start = Get-Date
$farm = New-Object -ComObject MetaFrameCOM.MetaFrameFarm
$apps = New-Object 'object[,]' $farm.Applications.Count,2
$row = 0
[regex]$reg = "(?[^/]*)$"
foreach($i in $farm.Applications) {
	[string]$groups = ""
	$clean = $reg.Match($i.DistinguishedName).Captures.Value
	$apps[$row,0] = $clean
	foreach($j in $i.Groups) {
		if($groups.Length -lt 1){ $groups = $j.GroupName }else{ $groups = $groups+","+$j.GroupName }
	$apps[$row,1] = $groups

$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$sheet.Name = "Dashboard"
$range = $sheet.Range("A1",("B"+$farm.Applications.Count))
$range.Value2 = $apps
$(New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalMinutes
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Citrix, Code, PowerShell Paul Fulbright Citrix, Code, PowerShell Paul Fulbright

Citrix: Creating Reports.

A bit of a different gear here, but here are a couple examples, one using Citrix 4.5 (Resource Manager) andone using Citrix 6.0 (EdgeSight).



$start = Get-Date

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
function SQL-Connect($server, $port, $db, $userName, $passWord, $query) {
	$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
	$ctimeout = 30
	$qtimeout = 120
	$constring = "Server={0},{5};Database={1};Integrated Security=False;User ID={2};Password={3};Connect Timeout={4}" -f $server,$db,$userName,$passWord,$ctimeout,$port
	$conn.ConnectionString = $constring
	$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $conn)
	$cmd.CommandTimeout = $qtimeout
	$ds = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
	$da = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($cmd)
	return $ds

function Graph-Iterate($arList,$varRow,$varCol,$strPass) {
	Write-Host $arList[$i].depName
	foreach($i in $arList.Keys) {
		if($arList[$i].duration -ne 0) {
			if($arList[$i].depName.Length -gt 1) {
				if($arList[$i].depName -eq $null){ $arList[$i].depName = "UNKNOWN" }
				$sheet.Cells.Item($varRow,$varCol) = $arList[$i].depName
				$sheet.Cells.Item($varRow,$varCol) = ("{0:N1}" -f $arList[$i].duration)
				if($master -ne $true){ Iterate $arList[$i] $strPass }
	return $varcol

function Iterate($arSub, $strCom) {
	$indSheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Add()
	$sheetName = ("{0}-{1}" -f $strCom,$arSub.depName)
	Write-Host $sheetName
	$nVar = 1
	if($sheetName -eq "CSI-OPP MAX")
		Write-Host "The Var is:"
		Write-Host $nVar
		$sheetName = "{0} {1}" -f $sheetName,$nVar
	$strip = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($sheetName,"[^1-9a-zA-Z_-]"," ");
	if($strip.Length -gt 31) { $ln = 31 }else{ $ln = $strip.Length }
	$indSheet.Name = $strip.Substring(0, $ln)
	$count = $arSub.Keys.Count
	$array = New-Object 'object[,]' $count,2
	$arRow = 0
	foreach($y in $arSub.Keys) {
		if($y -ne "depName" -and $y -ne "duration" -and $y.Length -gt 1) {
			$t = 0
			$array[$arRow,$t] = $y
			$array[$arRow,$t] = $arSub[$y]
	$rng = $indSheet.Range("A1",("B"+$count))
	$rng.Value2 = $array

function Create-Graph($lSheet,$lTop,$lLeft,$range, $number, $master, $catRange) {
	# Add graph to Dashboard and configure.
	$chart = $lSheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart
	$chartNum = ("Chart {0}" -f $cvar3)
	$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Placement = 3
	$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Top = $top
	$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Left = $left
	if($master -eq $true) {
			$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Height = 500
			$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Width = 1220
			$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Height = 325
			$sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Width = 400
		$chart.ChartType = 69
		$chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = $catRange

$port = "<port>"
$server = "<sqlserver>"
$db = "<db>"
$user = "<db_user>"
$password = "<pass>"
$query = "SELECT p.prid, p.account_name, p.domain_name, p.dtfirst, cs.instid, cs.sessid, cs.login_elapsed, cs.dtlast, cs.session_type, s.logon_time, s.logoff_time
FROM         dbo.principal AS p INNER JOIN
                      dbo.session AS s ON s.prid = p.prid INNER JOIN
                      dbo.ctrx_session AS cs ON cs.sessid = s.sessid"
#WHERE		p.account_name LIKE 'a[_]%'

$userlist = SQL-Connect $server $port $db $user $password $query
$users = @{}
foreach($i in $userlist.Tables) {
	if($i.account_name -notlike "h_*" -and $i.account_name -notlike "a_*" -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN" -and ([string]$i.logon_time).Length -gt 1 -and ([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -gt 1) {
		try {
			$info = Get-ADUser -Identity $i.account_name -Properties DepartmentNumber, Department, Company
		catch {
			$info = @{"Company"="Terminated";"Department"="Invalid";"DepartmentNumber"="0000"}
		if($info.Company.Length -lt 2) {
			$info = @{"Company"="Terminated";"Department"="Invalid";"DepartmentNumber"="0000"}
		if($users.Contains($info.Company) -eq $false) {
			$users[$info.Company] = @{}
			$users[$info.Company]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users[$info.Company]['duration'] = $users[$info.Company]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
		if($users[$info.Company].Contains(([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)) -eq $false) {
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)] = @{}
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['depName'] = $info.Department
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration'] = $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
		if($users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)].Contains($i.account_name) -eq $false) {
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name] = $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name]+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
	}elseif($i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN" -and ([string]$i.logon_time).Length -gt 1 -and ([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -gt 1) {
		if($i.account_name -like "a_*") {
			$info = @{"Company"="Administrators";"Department"="Elevated IDs (A)";"DepartmentNumber"="1111"}
			$info = @{"Company"="Administrators";"Department"="Elevated IDs (H)";"DepartmentNumber"="2222"}
		if($users.Contains("Administrators") -eq $false) {
			$users['Administrators'] = @{}
			$users['Administrators']['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users['Administrators']['duration'] = $users['Administrators']['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
		if($users['Administrators'].Contains($info.DepartmentNumber) -eq $false) {
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber] = @{}
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['depName'] = $info.Department
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration'] = $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
		if($users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber].Contains($i.account_name) -eq $false) {
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
			$users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name] = $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name]+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours
		if(([string]$i.logon_time).Length -lt 1 -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN"){ "No logon time: "+$i.account_name }
		if(([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -lt 1 -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN"){ "No logoff time: "+$i.account_name }

# Create Excel object, setup spreadsheet, name main page.
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$excel.Visible = $true
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$row = 1
$col = 1
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$sheet.Name = "Dashboard"

# Populate tracking vars.
# $row is the starting row to begin entering data into text cells.
# $cvar tracks $left position, resets when it reaches 3.
# $cvar3 tracks $top position, after every third graph it increments +340.
$row = 202
$col = 2
$cvar = 1
$cvar3 = 1
$top = 10
$left = 10
# Iterate through main element (Companies), $z returns company name (MGTS, MR, etc.).

$min = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,1).Address()).Replace("$", "")
$tmin = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,2).Address()).Replace("$", "")
foreach($q in $users.Keys) {
	$sheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = "Maritz Total Citrix Usage (by hours)"
	if($q -eq "114"){ $q = "Training IDs" }
	$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = $q
	$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = ("{0:N1}" -f $users[$q].duration)
$max = ($sheet.Cells.Item($row,($col)-1).Address()).Replace("$", "")
$range = $sheet.Range($min,$max)
$range2 = $sheet.Range($tmin,$max)
Create-Graph $sheet $top $left $range $cvar3 $true $range2
$col = 2
$top = ($top)+510

foreach($z in $users.Keys) {
	if($z.Length -gt 1 -and $z -ne "112 MAS"){
		# Setup chart location vars.
		if($cvar -eq 1) {
			$left = 10
		}elseif($cvar -eq 2){
			$left = 420
		}elseif($cvar -eq 3) {
			$left = 830
		$col = 2
		$sheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = $z
		# Track chart range minimum cell address.
		$min = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,1).Address()).Replace("$", "")
		$tmin = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,2).Address()).Replace("$", "")
		# Iterate through secondary element (Departments), $i returns department name.

		# Graph-Iterate Here
		$vLoc = Graph-Iterate $users[$z] $row $col $z
		# Track chart range maximum cell address.
		$max = ($sheet.Cells.Item($row,($vLoc)-1).Address()).Replace("$", "")
		$range = $sheet.Range($min,$max)
		$range2 = $sheet.Range($tmin,$max)
		Create-Graph $sheet $top $left $range $cvar3 $false $range2
		# Increment or reset tracking vars.
		if($cvar -eq 3) {
			$top = ($top)+340
		if($cvar -eq 1 -or $cvar -eq 2){ $cvar++ }elseif($cvar -eq 3){ $cvar = 1}
# Show dashboard page rather than some random department.

New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)
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App-V, Citrix Paul Fulbright App-V, Citrix Paul Fulbright

App-V: Clear cache on Citrix.

Ran into a problem where I could NOT get app-v to clear the cache properly on a citrix server.

Set: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\AppFS\State = 0

Delete all the OSD's in: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Application Virtualization Client\SoftGrid Client\OSD Cache

Stop the Application Virtualization Client Agent service (this is a dependant service to say Yes when it asks to shut down the parent service). Note that if you have the client console open at the time (or any apps) you will get a connection error, this is harmless, it's just telling you that, well, you stopped the service and it cannot connect.

Open the client console, refresh the publishing server. Problem should be solved.

A pretty common indicator that an application is stuck in the cache is Error #: 00001004

If you see that error, you probably have some OSD's hung up in the cache. If this STILL doesn't resolve it, make sure that in the user profile(s, if you aren't doing mandatory profiles) the OSD caches are cleared as well. That SHOULDN'T be an issue, it's usually the machine cache that fails to be cleaned up properly.

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Citrix Paul Fulbright Citrix Paul Fulbright

Citrix: ICA Client 12 on Ubuntu.

Installing it is easy enough, the only hiccup I had was with certificate errors.

cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/* /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts

Simple resolution.

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