Citrix: Creating Reports.
A bit of a different gear here, but here are a couple examples, one using Citrix 4.5 (Resource Manager) andone using Citrix 6.0 (EdgeSight).
$start = Get-Date Import-Module ActiveDirectory function SQL-Connect($server, $port, $db, $userName, $passWord, $query) { $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $ctimeout = 30 $qtimeout = 120 $constring = "Server={0},{5};Database={1};Integrated Security=False;User ID={2};Password={3};Connect Timeout={4}" -f $server,$db,$userName,$passWord,$ctimeout,$port $conn.ConnectionString = $constring $conn.Open() $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $conn) $cmd.CommandTimeout = $qtimeout $ds = New-Object System.Data.DataSet $da = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($cmd) $da.fill($ds) $conn.Close() return $ds } function Graph-Iterate($arList,$varRow,$varCol,$strPass) { Write-Host $arList[$i].depName foreach($i in $arList.Keys) { if($arList[$i].duration -ne 0) { if($arList[$i].depName.Length -gt 1) { $varRow-- if($arList[$i].depName -eq $null){ $arList[$i].depName = "UNKNOWN" } $sheet.Cells.Item($varRow,$varCol) = $arList[$i].depName $varRow++ $sheet.Cells.Item($varRow,$varCol) = ("{0:N1}" -f $arList[$i].duration) $varCol++ if($master -ne $true){ Iterate $arList[$i] $strPass } } } } return $varcol } function Iterate($arSub, $strCom) { $indSheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Add() $sheetName = ("{0}-{1}" -f $strCom,$arSub.depName) Write-Host $sheetName $nVar = 1 if($sheetName -eq "CSI-OPP MAX") { Write-Host "The Var is:" Write-Host $nVar $sheetName = "{0} {1}" -f $sheetName,$nVar $nVar++ } $strip = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($sheetName,"[^1-9a-zA-Z_-]"," "); if($strip.Length -gt 31) { $ln = 31 }else{ $ln = $strip.Length } $indSheet.Name = $strip.Substring(0, $ln) $count = $arSub.Keys.Count $array = New-Object 'object[,]' $count,2 $arRow = 0 foreach($y in $arSub.Keys) { if($y -ne "depName" -and $y -ne "duration" -and $y.Length -gt 1) { $t = 0 $array[$arRow,$t] = $y $t++ $array[$arRow,$t] = $arSub[$y] $arRow++ } } $rng = $indSheet.Range("A1",("B"+$count)) $rng.Value2 = $array } function Create-Graph($lSheet,$lTop,$lLeft,$range, $number, $master, $catRange) { # Add graph to Dashboard and configure. $chart = $lSheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart $chartNum = ("Chart {0}" -f $cvar3) $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Placement = 3 $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Top = $top $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Left = $left if($master -eq $true) { $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Height = 500 $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Width = 1220 }else{ $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Height = 325 $sheet.Shapes.Item($chartNum).Width = 400 } $chart.ChartType = 69 $chart.SetSourceData($range) $chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = $catRange } $port = "<port>" $server = "<sqlserver>" $db = "<db>" $user = "<db_user>" $password = "<pass>" $query = "SELECT p.prid, p.account_name, p.domain_name, p.dtfirst, cs.instid, cs.sessid, cs.login_elapsed, cs.dtlast, cs.session_type, s.logon_time, s.logoff_time FROM dbo.principal AS p INNER JOIN dbo.session AS s ON s.prid = p.prid INNER JOIN dbo.ctrx_session AS cs ON cs.sessid = s.sessid" #WHERE p.account_name LIKE 'a[_]%' $userlist = SQL-Connect $server $port $db $user $password $query $users = @{} foreach($i in $userlist.Tables) { if($i.account_name -notlike "h_*" -and $i.account_name -notlike "a_*" -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN" -and ([string]$i.logon_time).Length -gt 1 -and ([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -gt 1) { try { $info = Get-ADUser -Identity $i.account_name -Properties DepartmentNumber, Department, Company } catch { $info = @{"Company"="Terminated";"Department"="Invalid";"DepartmentNumber"="0000"} } if($info.Company.Length -lt 2) { $info = @{"Company"="Terminated";"Department"="Invalid";"DepartmentNumber"="0000"} } if($users.Contains($info.Company) -eq $false) { $users[$info.Company] = @{} $users[$info.Company]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users[$info.Company]['duration'] = $users[$info.Company]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } if($users[$info.Company].Contains(([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)) -eq $false) { $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)] = @{} $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['depName'] = $info.Department $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration'] = $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } if($users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)].Contains($i.account_name) -eq $false) { $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name] = $users[$info.Company][([string]$info.DepartmentNumber)][$i.account_name]+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } }elseif($i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN" -and ([string]$i.logon_time).Length -gt 1 -and ([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -gt 1) { if($i.account_name -like "a_*") { $info = @{"Company"="Administrators";"Department"="Elevated IDs (A)";"DepartmentNumber"="1111"} }else{ $info = @{"Company"="Administrators";"Department"="Elevated IDs (H)";"DepartmentNumber"="2222"} } if($users.Contains("Administrators") -eq $false) { $users['Administrators'] = @{} $users['Administrators']['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users['Administrators']['duration'] = $users['Administrators']['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } if($users['Administrators'].Contains($info.DepartmentNumber) -eq $false) { $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber] = @{} $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['depName'] = $info.Department $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration'] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration'] = $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber]['duration']+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } if($users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber].Contains($i.account_name) -eq $false) { $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name] = (New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours }else{ $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name] = $users['Administrators'][$info.DepartmentNumber][$i.account_name]+(New-TimeSpan $i.logon_time $i.logoff_time).TotalHours } }else{ if(([string]$i.logon_time).Length -lt 1 -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN"){ "No logon time: "+$i.account_name } if(([string]$i.logoff_time).Length -lt 1 -and $i.account_name -ne "UNKNOWN"){ "No logoff time: "+$i.account_name } } } # Create Excel object, setup spreadsheet, name main page. $excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application $excel.Visible = $true $excel.DisplayAlerts = $false $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add() $row = 1 $col = 1 $sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1) $sheet.Name = "Dashboard" # Populate tracking vars. # $row is the starting row to begin entering data into text cells. # $cvar tracks $left position, resets when it reaches 3. # $cvar3 tracks $top position, after every third graph it increments +340. $row = 202 $col = 2 $cvar = 1 $cvar3 = 1 $top = 10 $left = 10 # Iterate through main element (Companies), $z returns company name (MGTS, MR, etc.). $min = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,1).Address()).Replace("$", "") $tmin = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,2).Address()).Replace("$", "") foreach($q in $users.Keys) { $sheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = "Maritz Total Citrix Usage (by hours)" $row-- if($q -eq "114"){ $q = "Training IDs" } $sheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = $q $row++ $sheet.Cells.Item($row,$col) = ("{0:N1}" -f $users[$q].duration) $col++ } $max = ($sheet.Cells.Item($row,($col)-1).Address()).Replace("$", "") $range = $sheet.Range($min,$max) $range2 = $sheet.Range($tmin,$max) Create-Graph $sheet $top $left $range $cvar3 $true $range2 $row++;$row++ $col = 2 $top = ($top)+510 $cvar3++ foreach($z in $users.Keys) { if($z.Length -gt 1 -and $z -ne "112 MAS"){ # Setup chart location vars. if($cvar -eq 1) { $left = 10 }elseif($cvar -eq 2){ $left = 420 }elseif($cvar -eq 3) { $left = 830 } $col = 2 $sheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = $z # Track chart range minimum cell address. $min = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,1).Address()).Replace("$", "") $tmin = ($sheet.Cells.Item(($row)-1,2).Address()).Replace("$", "") # Iterate through secondary element (Departments), $i returns department name. # Graph-Iterate Here $vLoc = Graph-Iterate $users[$z] $row $col $z # Track chart range maximum cell address. $max = ($sheet.Cells.Item($row,($vLoc)-1).Address()).Replace("$", "") $range = $sheet.Range($min,$max) $range2 = $sheet.Range($tmin,$max) Create-Graph $sheet $top $left $range $cvar3 $false $range2 $row++;$row++ # Increment or reset tracking vars. if($cvar -eq 3) { $top = ($top)+340 } if($cvar -eq 1 -or $cvar -eq 2){ $cvar++ }elseif($cvar -eq 3){ $cvar = 1} $cvar3++ } } # Show dashboard page rather than some random department. $sheet.Activate() New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)
Service Manager 7.11: Command Line Options
Don't ask me why I'm posting this here, Service Manager is one of the worst written things I've ever used, and I use App-V. No surprise it's written in Java. The developers need to be drawn and quartered.
-options-record <answer file>
-options <answer file>
For a silent default install just use -silent, for one that uses the answer file, just do -option AND -silent.